My name is Donna and I was born of Italian descent. This also means like most Italians, I too am faced with dark upper lip facial hair. From when I was in my teens I tried all different products to get rid of the hair above my lip. When I was young and naive I actually used a razor on it, if mother would have known she would have killed me. Then as I older and started working, I saved enough money to try electrolysis. I made an appointment so excited to be rid of this problem once and for all. Each appointment would be for 15 minutes and would be quite costly. I didn’t understand why only 15 minutes, but when I went for the treatment, it was so painful you couldn’t take it any more than that. Well I tried it and decided I didn’t want to go back. Then of course, I tried Nair. That worked really well, except when I wiped it off it would leave my upper lip sore and red for the next day. I then decided to try waxing, but now the hair grew in coarser and thicker, which meant I would have to go about every 10 days. Another thing to think about, did you notice that they have one can and one stick in a can of hot wax and that goes on everybody, and then back into the can of hot wax.
Needless to say, I started to think about this and infections. This now lead me to try laser hair removal, and that is how I found Lily. I went in for a consult; she was very informative and explained the whole process of laser hair removal.
She told me that it would take a few sessions but the hair would get thinner each time around. Lily was right. I continued to go and I saw the greatest improvement and it changed how I felt about myself. It gave me so much more confidence about my appearance. I now have sent my own daughters to Lily, and my nieces, and my friends. Each having the same result, feeling better about their own appearances. I would highly recommend Lily for anyone who has a similar concern. Thank you, Lily.